Nicole Pletts South African

"As a middle class white female, I was brought up with the "Woman stayed at home and men worked" mentality.  Hence most of my artwork is primarily male dominated starting with a "men at work" theme a few years ago which threads a continuous pattern through my work today. My subdued tonal paintings seem to play havoc with people's perception of me as a person.  They see me as bright and bubbly - and find the work I produce out of character. "


Nicole Pletts was brought up in Cowies Hill and Westville. She has been studying art and painting since 1997. Whilst Nicole generally prefers working in oils, she also loves painting in watercolours. Nicole has been involved in various Art Organisations and has been on various Art Committees for many years. A few years ago, she was able to fulfil her lifelong aspiration to paint full time in order to make art her career. Nicole is a very versatile artist and paints a variety of subjects.


Whilst she well known for her paintings which include the human figure, most often portrayed in a masculine role, a limited palette and with a distinctly modern edge to each painting, she has more recently been exploring florals in order to get in touch with some peace, gentleness and femininity. Nicole supplies many local Galleries in and around Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg… She also has collectors from Austria, Germany, USA, UK and Australia…